I am happy to announce the newest addition to our nature galleries. These large wall prints were created in direct response to several requests that I've had from people asking for pictures that contained multiple images. I was excited about this and I wanted to make sure that gave each of these pieces their own story. The Bald Eagle one that you see here for example is a sequence of images taken consecutively. The entire sequence were all captured within a span of about three seconds. I have also added the scientific name and the date and location captured. These signed images are only being offered in a 16x20 or 20x24 format, and are the perfect addition to any wall. They can be mounted to a foam board prior to shipping for immediate placement in a frame upon reaching their new home. You can view all of our nature prints for sale by clicking here. There will be more to come in the near future such as collages for osprey, woodpeckers, owls and herons. Have a great day.
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